Welcome to the Hunters Ridge Village community.
Hunters Ridge Village Residents:
Join the Kingwood Community in helping clean up some of the medians along Kingwood Drive. The area to be serviced is from Kings Creek Drive to Forest Shores Drive. There will be parking available along Kingwood Drive. Please sign up via the link below.
HRV Board of Directors Meetings:
Board of Directors meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of every month (currently via Zoom)
KSA Public Safety Committee Meeting:
The Kingwood Service Association Public Safety Committee Meeting is held every second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm at the South Woodland Hills Community Room, 2030 Shadow Rock, Kingwood, 77339. These meetings are currently being held in person and via Zoom.
KSA Parks Committee Meeting:
The Kingwood Service Association Parks Committee Meeting is held every first Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm at the South Woodland Hills Community Room, 2030 Shadow Rock, Kingwood, 77339. These meetings are currently being held via Zoom Meetings until further notice.
KSA Quarterly Meeting:
The Kingwood Service Association Quarterly Meeting is held on the third Thursday of January, April, July and October at 7:00 pm in the South Woodland Hills Community Room, 2030 Shadow Rock, Kingwood, 77339. These meetings are currently being held via Zoom Meetings until further notice.
Kingwood PIP:
The Kingwood Division PIP meeting is held at 2901 Woodland Hills, on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, at 7:00 p.m. Houston PIP website
Bear Branch Trails Association meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Bear Branch Community Room. 3201 Cedar Knolls, Kingwood, TX 77339
Services provided by HRVCA include: HPD off duty patrol; community pool maintenance, operations and improvements; community park maintenance and improvements; entryways (3) and common areas (several cul-de-sac islands)landscaping, maintenance and improvements; deed restrictions/ACC enforcement; Kingwood area parks operations and maintenance; Kingwood area supplemental public safety expenses; Kingwood entryways on Kingwood Drive; Annual Christmas Decoration Contest judging (by recruited Hunters Ridge volunteers); mosquito fogging from April to November or later; contract with garbage service provider (currently Best Trash) and liaison with Houston city government.
Effective January 1, 2011, all vehicles in KSA parks must display a new numbered "K" sticker on the rear window. (If you have a boat trailor, it must also have a "K" sticker attached to it.) All vehicles not displaying the new "K" sticker will be subject to towing at the vehicle owner’s expense. For more information, please click here.
Copyright © 2023 Hunters Ridge Village Homeowners Assocation- All Rights Reserved.